Updates from our home in the jungle!
Gayle’s Page
You might want to go and check out Gayle’s page, since I just added another post for her. I also added a contact page for those who were asking for it.
Updates from our home in the jungle!
You might want to go and check out Gayle’s page, since I just added another post for her. I also added a contact page for those who were asking for it.
We have gotten off to a rapidly slow start here at the training center, kind of like a herd of turtles! But I must say that progress is being made! Since we quickly ascertained that our house was falling down around us, we got busy and have been replacing it as fast as we could.…read more.
I am sitting here in my newly roofed living room, listening to Gayle practice her violin in one corner, while Bradley strums his guitar in the other corner. We all just finished our eventful bath times, and are all ready for Sabbath to begin. The breeze is blowing and everything is peaceful and happy. (a…read more.
I finally have experienced really getting sick in Thailand! Are you all as excited as I am? Well, I mean I had gotten sick, but it was just a cold and cough type of sickness, nothing where you could get really skinny like I was hoping for. ( not hoping exactly… but if you are…read more.
 I forgot to bring the rest of the pictures! So, hopefully next time you can see the during and after pictures also. Right now, things are a disaster area! But, I am praying hard that they improve soon. This picture is how it looked when I first arrived.
Our first week in our new home has been very exciting! It started the day that I got on the bus to head home. Travis was getting ready to do his laundry, when the roof of the kitchen fell down! Forget laundry! Now he had something more interesting to do! He and our trusty caretaker…read more.
I arrived safely in Sangkla Buri, very tired for sure! When I got here, I tried out my handy internet thingy that Ben got me, and found that I cannot get it to work. Now I found an internet place in town, but the computers are old and worn out. So, you may not get…read more.
I found this video on Maria’s web page, and I thought it was so good that I should share it with you also. It is much more real to me now than it used to be. Now, I live in a hut just like you see here, and I work with these very people, taking…read more.
Lena just sent me this picture of the motor home! I did not know that anyone had gotten pictures, but she saved the day for us. So, here they are, just getting ready to leave.
Roy and Tremaynne left today. It was pretty hard to see them go. Since Roy will be in the States for several months, this was a sad parting. We are really going to miss having them here. Tremaynne is a favorite with just about everybody, and he helped us to be able to make friends…read more.