
Updates from our home in the jungle!

A Little Bit About Everybody

I have been asked to give an update on what everyone is up to again. So, here it goes! I don’t get to hear from Ben very often since his computer crashed, but he did call me last week and he told me that he has taught himself how to do computer programming. He was…read more.

The Piano

Roy and Andrew left on Sunday on their odyssey to get our shipment from Bangkok. It is not as easy as it sounds to run into Bangkok and get anything, especially a shipment from America! They had to leave on Sunday, in order to get to Bangkok early in the morning on Monday, so that…read more.

Another MemeWah Update

Jason spent the weekend being MemeWah’s caregiver at the hospital. Lena told me that when Jason walked in, MemeWah greeted him with a Thai greeting. (she still has a breathing tube and feeding tubes, so that was the best she could do) Then, when Jason left the room for some reason, MemeWah made motor bike…read more.

MemeWah Update

Jason and Lena report that MemeWah is out of the ICU now, and is semi-conscious. She can hear and responds to pain, which is really good news.  The final diagnosis was scrub typhus, which is caused by mites that live in the grass. Sounds like Lena is going on the warpath about tall grass at the…read more.

Almost Walking On Water

This is pretty neat. Today my house turned into…well…it feels like a boat, but maybe it is one of those neat places built over the water. But in this case, it sounds like it is over a water fall, a very loud water fall! The creek was already a bit high to start with, and…read more.

What A Day Can Bring

This morning while I was struggling to draw a mouse, Kentegee, on the phone like usual, asked me if I would like another little girl. It isn’t as if she prepared me or anything, she was just on the phone and asked me as if she wanted to know if I needed more vegetables or…read more.

Jason’s Little Patient

When Jason first moved up to Sunshine Orchard School, he was drawn to a little 7 year old orphan that was living with the Adams, named MemeWah. Her mother had died when she was born, and she had been raised by a single Aunt, until the Aunt gave her to the Adams family. This little one was…read more.

Home Sweet Home

There is just nothing like home. Our bus trip home was typical. I was ready to say some choice, well planned words to the bus driver and his attendant, and the only thing that stopped me was the fact that they could not understand me! They played those horror movies for 4 long hours! That…read more.