
Updates from our home in the jungle!

A Sweet Spirit

This morning as I was finishing up my worship time, my attention was drawn to what was happening in the living room. Roy is teaching a bible class to our students. They are very interested in history and prophecy, so Roy is simplifying The Great Controversy for them. They had never heard of the reformation,…read more.

We Are Troubled On Every Side…

The other day, I went to get Hannah one of her tasty little vitamins, when I found that the large container, which had been half full the day before, now contained only 4 lonely little vitamins. It didn’t take me long to figure out who the culprit was. Meme loves those vitamins, and is always…read more.

The Flood, Part 2

Right now, I am sitting in my bedroom, watching Hannah sleep, wondering if the house is going to make it this time. Our day started out normal enough, normal for me anyway. Everyone went to church and left me laying here on my bed with lots of good DVD’s to watch. I hate to admit…read more.

Cleaning Up

This morning, I still have that wet noodle feeling all over, but I could no longer stand my room the way it was. I had collected quite the pile of equipment right here beside the bed. I lay here on my bed taking inventory, and I found that I had one thermometer, one stethoscope and…read more.

A Little Post

I really don’t feel up to writing a whole lot today, but I thought that I could at least write something. So far my road to recovery involves mostly sleeping. I am so weak and tired that it is amazing even to me that I can wake up from a long nap, turn over and…read more.

Live Each Day As If It Were Your Last

On Tuesday Roy, Hannah, and I went to Kanchanaburi to do some shopping. (this was two weeks ago) Now, had I realized ahead of time that Hannah was cutting three new teeth, I would not have had the courage to go in the first place, but ignorance is bliss. It is only a 4 hour…read more.

Vacation Dreams

Can I be a missionary tomorrow? I think that I need a vacation! Hannah got mad at me first thing this morning since I was trying to get her to take her antibiotic, which she does not care for. Not only was she mad, but she promptly threw it up all over my lap! Then,…read more.