
Updates from our home in the jungle!

The Field Trip (by Roy)

It began as a long anticipated, fun filled field trip. Beautiful weather made the hour and a half drive very pleasant. Arriving at the picturesque, park-like setting, carved out of the jungle just below a waterfall, we began to get settled. We were able to dispose of our belongings in the sleeping quarters, then race…read more.

Visa Update And A Big Project

Praise the Lord! Roy should be home in just a few minutes. When I talked to Roy the other day about what our next move should be, I was impressed that he should go back to the embassy and talk to them again.  So, he went back and they granted him a single entry visa.…read more.

A Bigger Adventure

It was tempting to me to tell you about my strange week…but then I got to thinking about it, and I decided that really this week is quite normal! What would be abnormal would be a week where we are all home, all our classes are taught by the correct teacher, and everything goes as…read more.

3 Little Girls, and a Big Problem

I bet you were all thinking that now that I have 3 little girls, that life is now smooth and easy and blissful in this tropical paradise where I now reside. Maybe I should quickly try to dispell this deception! Early this week, when we were sitting down with the little girls to do math, …read more.

Hannah Is Two!

I am not exactly sure how it happened.  It must have been when I was not looking….but Hannah suddenly turned into a toddler. She is not a baby anymore. I am actually a bit worried about it since last time I checked she was still a baby. Senility doesn’t start at 40 does it? She…read more.

14 People

Did you even wonder what it would be like to have 14 people in your family? Everyone living in a cozy, small house? Let me attempt to describe it to you. Each morning starts at 4:30 with the soft sounds of someone starting breakfast. When you cook over a small fire, it takes time to…read more.

A Lot To Write About

When I have lots of time to write, I don’t have a whole lot to say. Now, I have a lot to say but not a whole lot of time! So much has happened here in the past few days that my mind is bewildered by all the possibilities of what to tell you about…read more.

Jasons Coming!

Jason officially left to come down to our place last night! We have all been waiting for this event for what seems like forever. Last time he left us, he was in that accident on his way home, so we are praying like crazy for his safety today. The rest of the crew was supposed…read more.

Life In General

This morning Meme and Seh Doe are sitting at the table doing their math lessons, Marianne and Jennison are studying their bibles and writing in their journals, Travis is monitoring the math class, while Hannah swings Meme’s doll in the hammock. Life is pretty peaceful here, and sometimes it is hard to think of what…read more.