Updates from our home in the jungle!
 I was putting Hannah to sleep in the house, while the boys finished up worship with the older children. The waterfall was making a pleasant gurgling sound, while jungle bugs sang their good night songs. I could hear the babble of the children’s voices as they finished worship out at the classroom. Their voices began…read more.
The Attack
It had been a pretty hard day. I had been bitten by two little “ants” as people call them here. I quickly found out that I was allergic to these little critters, and had spent the day working hard while trying to nurse my wrist and elbow that were swollen to several times their normal…read more.
Unpolished Gems
Having 7 kids to call my own is a little overwhelming at times. My little Ahmesow is the hardest at this point. Try to imagine having a new little seven year old boy, who was never expected to do anything he didn’t want to do before. He spent his time watching violent movies, eating, sleeping…read more.
The Good and The Bad
This past week has been a challenge to say the least. Each time we get new students, there is an adjustment time, especially since most of these kids have never had to follow  hard and fast rules. The five new students were no exception, other than maybe they were more traumatized than most. When they…read more.
Pictures from Cambodia
It seems that it might be time to post some more pictures of Cambodia.
My “Uneventful” week (by Andrew)
I heard voices, faintly at first but they gradually grew louder and louder until I recognized that they were the voices of my students. . . Oh my! Where on earth was I? And why did I feel so much like vomiting again? And while I’m asking questions why in the world was I now…read more.
Lack of Faith?
This is one of those articles that I am a bit reluctant to write, since I don’t want anyone to get the idea that I am complaining or begging for money. I promise you that I will never do that. But, in order to give you an accurate picture of life in the jungle, I…read more.
The Wedding
On Friday, we were invited to a baptism and a wedding. It was all very nice, and the bride and groom were married successfully. I was sitting innocently in my chair, trying to decide how to tell when we should head on home, when they brought out a HUGE ice cream container. We are not…read more.
The Move
We did it. We actually survived….at least for now. You might be asking what we survived? Well, since that is what I was planning to tell you about, this works well for all of us! Roy left us last Tuesday, and so I headed home to my lonely family. So many things happened in the…read more.