
Updates from our home in the jungle!

Jungle Mustard

Sometimes, we get to craving things that really are not good for us. Maybe it has something to do with eating rice and cabbage so much a month or so ago, but it seems that since that time, we have been getting more creative in our cooking skills. This has led to the creation of…read more.

Something to Smile About

Last Sabbath, after having sabbath school and church at home, we were trying to decide on our next activity when Pawkuhmooeydee asked if it would be OK if she were to go over to the blind grandma’s house and tell her a story. Of course we consented, and Roy and several of the other kids…read more.

A Little Update

I know that many of you are worried about our situation over here. I don’t have a great deal to tell you, but I did get a two week visa exemption, and so Travis and I are home and working on our problem. There are many good people out there working to help us be…read more.

What Is God Doing?

There are times when you want to ask yourself, “what is God doing?” Fortunately, we already know the answer to that question. Isn’t God the one who said,” I know the plans that I have for you”? Isn’t He also the one who said “I will be with you always”? Well, last time I checked,…read more.

Trust God (By Andrew)

Finally things are seeming to reach a lull, with no more funerals to attend and the next wedding at least 3 weeks in the future. As I sit back and reflect on what God has been doing in our lives, and how He provides for us each and every day, I can’t help but be…read more.

The Snake

Yesterday, while everyone else was playing capture the flipflop, Thunduh was in her room chatting on the phone, when she spied a snake…right outside her window. It was staring her right in the face, and was very close. Travis was just coming into the house at the time, so she made her startling announcement that…read more.


“Momo…MOMO” Ahmesow yells. “What Ammesow?” I ask. “Are you a good boy?” Ahmesow inquires. “No, I am not a good boy because I am not a boy.” I patiently explain. “Momo….MOMO” Ahmesow yells. “What Ahmesow?” I ask, while trying to concentrate on the post I am writing. “Are you a good girl?” Ahmesow bellows. “Yes,…read more.

Rainy Season Again

I woke up early this morning, and headed across the property to the outhouse. As I made my way through the living room, I noticed that all but one of the mosquito nets had been put away for the day, and the inhabitants were gone. I guess my idea of early and theirs are two…read more.

Missionary Zeal

This morning, when I went to get my three little buns to eat for breakfast, I found them crawling with little ants. They had obviously been working at eating my breakfast for several hours, judging from the holes they had already chewed in my bread. Findings like this are not unusual here in Thailand, but…read more.

Guess Who’s Here?

That is right…Roy flew in late last night. We have not told the kids that he is here yet, we thought that they might like a little surprise. Hannah for one is really looking forward to seeing her Daddy again. One day, she was talking very earnestly with me and told me that when Daddy…read more.