Natalie was right….I cannot sleep after the news that I just got. I am not good at keeping things to myself when I am so amazed, so I decided to write and tell the whole world about it!
This past month was amazingly expensive. We had a lot of needs to meet, and we ended up building a new, safer trailer for the motor bike to pull. Somehow, my EMT training would not allow me to continue to put that much trust in a very whimpy trailer…I could just picture all my students splattered on the road, with a broken trailer twisted up near by. So, Roy spent several weeks welding up a super-duper snazzy trailer.(our little tiny welder is a bit slow)Â When the kids first tried it out, they told me that it is like riding in a car. They were all so excited about their new “wheels”. And, I must admit that it looks pretty nice. But, it did cost a lot of money, at least in our Asian adjusted way of thinking.

So, last week I went to the ATM to get some money, and to my horror I found that I was almost totally out of money. How was I going to feed the kids for the rest of the month? I knew that I was not wasting money, so I had just stopped worrying out it… until I made that little discovery. So I went home and analyzed the situation. Travis then reminded me that there was a little money in his account. So the next day I went back to town to transfer the money from his account to mine. When I got on line, I was shocked to see more money in my account than there had been the previous day! How did that get there? I later found out that some good friends of our had been impressed to give. It was just enough to keep us going until “payday”, and once again I was praising God for being so good to us as to meet our every need.
But, like usual, once the money starts to run low again, I start thinking about all the needs that all of us have for the coming month. Usually at the beginning of the month, Natalie and Anna send me a report for the whole family, telling me what has come in for each person, plus there is a column of money that is not specified for any one person. I look at each persons needs, and then distribute the money accordingly. I had talked to Andrew earlier today, and he had some pretty big needs. And I have been talking to Ben, and he had some huge needs! He has a lot of teachers to feed this month. I also was thinking that we had a lot of needs this month also, since we all have visa runs again, which cost a lot of money, and I want to get year visas this time, so that will cost a lot extra. I am sorry to say that I actually had the nerve to get worried about where it was all going to come from.
This evening, Natalie called me so that we could get the checks in the mail right away, and this is the reason that I could not sleep! She gave me the amounts, and once again I have to feel extremely humble and unworthy of such love and care by our heavenly Father. He always knows in advance what we are going to need, and he supplies. But what really struck me was the fact that God has a people who listen to His prompting. Thank you each one! Not so much for the money as for the encouragement that you give me. I know now that God is using people all over to finish his work. God has a people who are not afraid to sacrifice for the good of others. It really gets discouraging when you look at the huge needs over here. More of God’s people need to get involved, but it is the faithful ones that I am so inspired by. Thank you for allowing God to use you.
Witnessing tip #47: Plaster a big grin on your face. When people ask you why you are so happy, tell them how fun it is being a part of a team that feeds the hungry in Asia, takes care of orphans, and supports schools for the poorest of the poor, while spreading the gospel where it has never been heard.