Can I be a missionary tomorrow? I think that I need a vacation! Hannah got mad at me first thing this morning since I was trying to get her to take her antibiotic, which she does not care for. Not only was she mad, but she promptly threw it up all over my lap! Then, she didn’t want to fold her hands to pray for breakfast, and there ensued another screaming fit. One thing after another happened all morning until Roy told me that after I gave her a nap, that she needed a change of scenery. So, I took her out to the work site. She was happy for a few minutes, and then her shoe came off in the mud, and that was enough to make her all upset again. So, instead of “working†I decided to do the laundry, since she usually enjoys that. She did enjoy it! She LOVES to mix cement powder with the soap suds, and fill the laundry basket with cement powder, and water too of course! Then, the clean laundry could use a dose of sand, couldn’t it? Add to this mess Meme, who thought that it would be great fun to spray water in Mommy’s face during all these proceedings… I was thinking about going to a nice island somewhere that has no children on it at all! I could read a nice book all by myself, and go swimming whenever I felt like it, and eat without sharing! Sounds good, doesn’t it? But….who would put the medicine on Hannah’s infections? And who would make sure that Meme was on time for school tomorrow? And who would teach English tonight? And who would do the shopping? Who would care about all my kids? I sure would worry about my girls if I were not with them. So, I guess that vacation will have to wait until they are both happily married, I have no more students, and ….there goes a vase of flowers all over the floor again. I had better run!