On Friday, we were invited to a baptism and a wedding. It was all very nice, and the bride and groom were married successfully. I was sitting innocently in my chair, trying to decide how to tell when we should head on home, when they brought out a HUGE ice cream container. We are not talking a one gallon affair here, but a big stainless steel thing that stood at least two or three feet tall. I do have a small bit of experience with these things, and I knew that it would contain a homemade ice cream made from coconuts. It is really good stuff, so I sat down more firmly in my chair, forgetting for the time being the need to gracefully go home. Pretty soon, a young girl brought me a large cup of ice cream. It was corn ice cream, which is pretty good, for those of you who have not tried it recently. So, I sat back contentedly and began enjoying this cold, healthy, (sort of) treat! I had not finished my cup off when another well meaning individual brought me a second cup. Wow, two cups in one day? I was feeling rather spoiled, and began eating that first cup in earnest so as not to let the second one melt before I got to it. Just as I finished that first delectable cup of ice cream, someone slammed an ice cream cone into my hand…which was not outstretched! I blinked in surprise, then did my best to get it down since it was already dripping. When I had successfully completed that one, I went back to that second cup of ice cream. I had barely started when someone noticed a vacant spot on my lap, and plopped down another cup of ice cream, and quickly shoved yet another ice cream cone into my hand! My enthusiasm for this treat was lessening considerably. I stared at the once tempting stuff, trying to mentally make more room in my overwhelmed stomach for yet more ice cream. It would be sinful to waste food, and it would also offend the people if I refused to eat it…what to do….so I resolutely picked up my spoon again, and continued eating. I began making furtive glances around me to see how the others in our group were fareing. Were they getting their share, or could I pawn some off on them? It was then that I noticed Travis. An old lady was making ice cream cones in the seat right in front of him and shoving them into his protesting hands. He was trying to hold 3 ice cream cones already and she was urging more into his already oversupplied hands. Finally, in pure desperation, he got up and ran away laughing. For Travis to run away from ice cream, I knew that he had had ENOUGH! Since nobody was bothering me anymore, I decided to eat as fast as I could manage, and then run away too.  The scheme worked and I was able to waddle away in peace…but before I left, they gleefully announced that there will be a birthday party on Sunday and they really want us to come! Being a missionary can be so hard sometimes! ( I found out later that the reason they finally left me alone was that they had run out of ice cream)