The Surprise

We hardly ever check the mail. In fact, most of the time we never even think of it, since it is exceedingly rare for something to be in the mailbox. But, Travis and I had been discussing it off and on for a week or so. So, today, he took the plunge and went and checked the mailbox. In shock and amazement, he reached in and pulled out a letter from America!

Chowin proudly, and carefully carried the precious letter straight to me when they got home. Even the very envelope had the aura of far away places, mysterious and clean. I looked carefully at the front, and sure enough…it said that it was to the Sharon Family. So, while the kids all gathered around, I quickly opened the envelope. Out came 3 news letters from our home church in Trout Creek Montana. The kids ooohed and awwwed over the pretty pictures, and got downright excited when they discovered a picture of Thramoo Gayle in one of them! They asked me what these papers were and where they came from. I explained that this is our home church. Ahmesow then announced to the world in general that we had newsletters from OUR home church! They fell in love with their home church instantaneously. The fact that there was that picture of Thramoo Gayle in it made it even more attractive to their inquisitive minds. We showed them pictures of “Our Pastor”, and they were thrilled that he is white like Momo and Daddy.

What surprised us the most was how much our home church has grown and is thriving since we have been gone. (I think that it was doing pretty good before that too) They just started a church school, and there were names of people that I don’t even know! It felt so good to read about all the progress and to feel like we are included. (We just operate a branch Sabbath School half way around the world.)

It doesn’t take much to make the kids happy, nor us for that matter! We are all floating on cloud nine after delaying supper so that we could read all those papers through right away. Thank you Nona for making our day!