The Political Situation

If you have been following the world news lately, you may have heard about a lot of fighting going on in Thailand. You will be happy to know that I live a long way from Bangkok! The only bad part is that all buses from this area have to go through Bangkok if we want to go anywhere else in the country. All of the places in Thailand where there has been fighting reported, are places that we have to go through in order to go for our visa runs. So, we are affected by it at least a little.

Jason just returned from his visa run. He drove his motor bike the whole way so that he could avoid Bangkok, since it was not a safe place to be right then. The day before he came home, the government set curfews for a lot of the provinces. Jason does not have a habit of looking at the news, so he had no idea that there was any curfew anywhere! He got on his motor bike and started out at four in the afternoon since likes to drive all night to avoid the traffic. When he got here, he told me that he had been stopped 8 times that night. One time three soldiers checked his passport repeatedly, and then searched all his luggage thoroughly. Since Jason cannot speak Thai, he did not understand what it was all about. I was able to enlighten him when he got home as to why everyone kept checking him, and why all the gas stations were closed! ( it is a good thing that he always carries extra gas with him)

In our town, I have not seen any red shirt activity at all. Most of the problems are in the big cities, so unless we have to travel, we are just fine. Travis and I do have to go for our visa run soon, so we are praying that things will settle down so that I don’t have to spend 18 hours on the back of a motor bike in the rain! (yes, the rainy season has started)

When I was thinking about the danger that we could face here, I was tempted to be a little afraid. But then I thought of Ben. He has been living in the middle of a war for a long time now, and I have trusted God to take care of my boy the whole time. I have not been anxious or worried about his safety. Now if I can do that for my son, I can trust my life in God’s hands also. He will not forsake us now.