Natalie recently told me in an email that some of you would like to see pictures on my site. So to make you feel better, I thought that I would let you know that I would like to see pictures on my site also! I have actually mentioned that I would love to have pictures for my site to every person at the school who owns a camera, but for one reason or another, nobody has taken pictures for my site! I really wish that I had a camera, but I don’t. So, that means that I can’t do much about your requests at this time.
The good news is that the only thing keeping Tremaynne from taking pictures is the batteries. We have not been able to get the adapter for his battery charger yet. I could maybe buy batteries for it, but I keep forgetting. ( it has something to do with the dozens of patients that we treat each day) So, for all of you that would love to see pictures on my site…. please be patient…. I really am working on it. Things are just slower and harder here.