The Move

We did it. We actually survived….at least for now. You might be asking what we survived? Well, since that is what I was planning to tell you about, this works well for all of us!

Roy left us last Tuesday, and so I headed home to my lonely family. So many things happened in the next few days, that I can hardly sort them out. But, it seems that we found out that the students would be coming on Sunday to help us build, and then we started getting really sick. The floor on the new house was rotting since there was no roof on it, so it was an emergency to get the roof on. Travis had a bad accident on the motor bike, and his foot was messed up pretty bad. He was in charge of the house building project, so between being terribly sick, and having a foot that was about 3 times it’s normal size, he was having his share of troubles. Jason was also sick, and had such a bad headache, that he was having a hard time getting the last minute details of the kitchen done so that we could move into it. I was really sick also, and having a hard time walking around, let alone to pack up the house and get it ready for moving! All of the girls were also sick, and so we were all having major problems with the task at hand. But, it is at times like that when you see a persons true character, and I was VERY pleased with what I saw.

Each person seemed to drag energy out of themselves that they did not know that they possessed. Travis would work until his foot swelled up too much, then he would lay in the hammock with it up, while planning for the school. Jason would work until his headache got too severe, and then would lay down until he could work again. This happened with each person here, and I saw real cooperation, joy, and accomplishment. We certainly did not get everything done that needed to be done, but we did get moved, and we also have half of the new roof on the house. The old house is empty, and the students are busy tearing it apart right now, and gathering up all the good building material out of it to use for the new houses.

The students who are planning to help us build came last night. I have not gotten to know any of them yet, since they are all terribly shy when they first come. You would think that they did not have voices! But, they do smile at me from time to time, and they are enthusiastically working. Right now I have 19 people here, but two are parents who will only stay a week. I feel pretty sorry for them actually, since we sound like a hospital ward of chronic smokers . They probably wonder what they are getting into! (when 12 people are coughing, it can be pretty intense!)

Since we don’t seem to be able to stay healthy for more than two weeks, maybe you should add our health to your prayer list! I hear that this sickness we have is supposed to last for 2 months. I am not at all thrilled with that prospect, and would like to get well really fast, instead of progressively getting worse like I am now doing. But I am finding, that even in the worst of times, I can still find plenty to be thankful for.

The other day I was at the well washing laundry, feeling like I just could not keep going. All the work that needed to be done was making me feel extremely discouraged, especially since I felt like I just got run over by a truck. Maria was also at the well, and she had a big, silly grin on her face. Finally she blurted out how terribly overwhelmed she felt! She said that she was so loaded down with blessings that she could hardly stand it! That really made me feel bad about my train of thought. Certainly I also could find things to be thankful for. As I started down this new line of thinking, I was amazed at how many things I could come up with. God has certainly been good to us, and there is never any need to complain if we are following Him. Even the trials are disguised blessings. We may not understand how right now, but someday we will. If nothing else…at least it gives me something to write about!