
We had a blustery, 80 degree Thanksgiving. We had not had wind for a long time, but it couldn’t have come at a better time since I spent my day trying to put together something special for our Thanksgiving meal. Maybe you cooks out there can sympathize with me. I had only onions, garlic, tumeric, salt, and soy sauce to season things with. Everything is cooked over a fire. (we hope to change that and use propane someday) But, I ended up with bread, mashed potatoes, tofu patties and gravy! The kids thought that it was a feast, but when I got it all on the table, I realized that it looked just like a normal, everyday America meal. Oh well, it was special to us!

We sure miss our family back home though. Makes me a little teary eyed when I think of all the families getting together to share this special time. But, at the same time, I can’t help but be so grateful for all the blessings of this year.

Probably the most incredible blessing, that I was a little slow to pick up on, was the theft of my computer! Now, you might be wondering why I would say that, and maybe even question my sanity…But, for the past two years, I had tried one thing after another in order to be able to get internet here on our property so that I would not have to leave my family in order to go to the internet place in town. I know how important it is to our family, friends, and supporters to hear from us regularly, so it was a major issue for us, and a huge inconvenience for the rest of my family for me to go and spend so many hours at the internet. Well, about a week ago, I got to wondering if my phone would be able to connect to my new computer, and without any help from Travis, I connected it all by myself! It was easy, and I get reasonably fast internet right here at home! Roy fixed up my room with a battery and inverter so that I can do email from my “comfortable” bed. What a huge blessing! And all because a thief wanted my little computer. I can see God’s hand in all of this, can’t you?

Another huge blessing this year was that Ben was able to go back to America. When he left here he was worn out and tired. He was feeling burned out, and unsure of his future. Now, 7 months later, he is almost ready to graduate from AFCOE and he has renewed energy and is on fire for the Lord again. He will be returning to the mission field on December 13, and once again I can clearly see God’s hand at work.

Another thing that is worth mentioning is that as you know, I had been really struggling with my health. Last year Jason had gone to a seminar on health up in Chiang Mai, and when he came down here, he took stock of the situation and decided to fix it. So, we found a place to order brown rice, and he showed me a different way of fixing it that is far better for my health. We cook it, dry it, then pop it. It is sorta like rice krispies, but much healthier tasting. For several months now, I have enjoyed good health. Now, I feel strong enough to add an exercise program also, and I feel incredibly blessed. (I have a wheat allergy, and according to the books, I was on my way to developing a rice allergy also, just like Ben. Cooking the rice differently is supposed to prevent that…don’t ask me how, but it does seem to work)

Probably the biggest blessing is our family. Adding 5 girls to it has been a challenge, but also wonderful. Our little Destiny Grace is only waking me up once at night now, and that is also something to sing about!

I could go on and on, but I think that you get the idea. We feel go grateful to God for all that He has done for us, and we know that He will continue to lead and guide in our lives as we follow him. What an adventure!