
My brother requested that I write about what we are thankful for. So, here it goes! (these are not in any particular order)

1. A good brother!

2. Our students

3. A God that we can trust.

4. Our donors.

5. Cooler weather.

6. Care packages.

7. Limeade.

8. Good Friends

9. Family.

10. Internet.

I could go on all day, but I doubt that it would uplift you that much. What I have failed to mention in my list of things to be thankful for are thieves, liars, cheaters, backbiters, and hypocrites! I know that I should have mentioned them, since the bible says that we are to be thankful for everything. But, if I added them to my list, you might have thought that I had gone insane and sent people in white coats out to get me. That is why I mention them here, with a brief explanation! Yes, I am thankful for them. Isn’t it people like that which make you run to God for refuge? And, don’t we want that refuge all the time? Well, it isn’t any fun to have to go and buy more hangers every single week…but I have fond hopes that the thieves almost have enough hangers by now, and that somehow this is all working out for my best good. (hey, at least I don’t have any old hangers!) Isn’t that also what the bible says? That all things work together for good to those who love God, and are called according to His purpose? Well, I think that we qualify for that one, since we do love God, and He has called us!

The other thing that is wonderful, is that we don’t have any money of our own. So, the missing hangers, the missing tools, the missing volleyball net…all belong to God! They didn’t steal them from us, but from God! I bet He can deal with them better than I can. As for the backbiters, hypocrites and the rest…they are not my business to worry about either. I just have to trust God to take care of us every day, and let him deal with naughty people. Isn’t it great working for God?

We certainly do have a lot to be thankful for. We can praise God for all the good things, as well as the bad. So, while you are enjoying your Thanksgiving dinner, count your blessing….and don’t forget to thank the Lord for the things that draw you closer to God in pure desperation!