I just thought that I would update you on Roy’s activities in the States. He just finished helping my Dad and brother build an addition onto my brothers house for my parents to live in. Now, he is in Canada, but is planning to actually go home soon! This is his schedule as far as we know it. If you see an empty weekend and you want him to share at your church, just give him a call. His contact info is on my contact page.
Roy’s Schedule
May 27-30 ARMe Camp
June 5- White Salmon Church service and afternoon meeting
June 10-13 Oregon Family Camp
June 16-19 Faith Camp Idaho
June 22??? Departure for Thailand
Packing Wish List
Used EGW books
Used devotional books
Used english, math, bible, text books
Nature DVDs [No killing, or glorifying the effects of sin]
Music DVDs [No jazz, rock, or wild beats] (You would not believe how much good music helps us over here. I could use some good kids stuff)
Medical supplies- nonstick pads, triple antibiotic ointment, Lamisil,Oregano oil
On a happy note, we did receive a piano for the training center! It is a very nice full size keyboard that was donated by my parents. Roy already has it packed up and ready to bring.