Plans (by Roy)

For the past several weeks we have been able to spend time with Ben and Jason while they took us around to visit some of the numerous projects under way here in Thailand and Burma. One of these projects is a training center that had begun to be built, but is only partially finished and has been unused for several years. After seeing the need and speaking with the pastors, we have decided to take on this project and move it forward as we are able.

So here are our plans for the training center as I see them at this time.

The reason for having a training center is to build up God’s church. There is not a strong Christian presence in this area. Rather, most of the people are Buddhist and they do not know of a living, compassionate savior. Our goal will be to share Jesus, our best friend, with those that have not met Him. We also want to revitalize the experience of those that have lost that living, vital connection with Jesus, which is essential if we are to spread the gospel.

Another goal is to provide a family atmosphere for children that desire to supplement their Thai education with the study of the bible and English. We would also include orphans in our family.

The first thing that we need to do is learn the language so that we can communicate with the people. That will be a big help when we visit the church members in order to find out what we can do to help them physically and spiritually. Our long range goals are to train lay people to spread the gospel among their own tribes by teaching them to have a walk with God. Some of the ways we can accomplish that is through lay evangelism training and medical missionary training.

The things that I anticipate needing at the Training Center are these:

A. Tile for the meeting hall floor

B. Projector for power point presentations

C. Projector screen

D. Podium

E. Speakers and Microphones

F. Small library with books to stock it

G. Piano ( at least it would be really nice!)

H. Kitchen building and supplies

I. Several small Karen style buildings

J. Electricity ( solar, batteries or generator)

K. Fruit trees and flowers  ( we bought passion fruit seeds today!)

L. Landscape and gardening tools

M. Entry bridge

Lisa will be traveling to the training center soon. Travis and Jason are already there preparing the living quarters for mother. I will be going back to Montana with Tremaynne to put our house, land and “stuff” in order. It is amazing how much stuff you can acquire even when you are trying to downsize! For instance, we live on a mountain in Montana with no electricity, but yet I have an industrial size Grizzley planer, vertical band saw, and dust collector.  Also large and small wire feed welders, well built welding tables and a gas powered drum plaster mixer that I would like to sell.

For those of you who know about Travis’ and my project of the twin engine hang glider, we have decided to sell it to help here in the mission field. We want the profits from it to go to the spreading of God’s word among the Karen people.

To help to provide a way for us to survive financially at the training center, I would like to rent out our mountain top home in Montana. Ideally, a family that would like to live the experience that completed the training and preparation of our own family for missions would be best. If your family thrives on adventure, this would be perfect for you. Then as soon as possible, I will be returning to Thailand to help build up the work.

To contact me in Montana, call 406-396-1169, or email