The boys new room.Bananas right behind the house. This is something that we have plenty of....bananas! This strange guy comes around sometimes and attacks our house. We don't know what he is doing, but we have decided that the best thing to do is vacate quickly! Green beans, reaching for the sky! The new upper garden....before the flowers.The boys garden, still under construction. Working on the floor of the outhouse...getting rid of the inside mosquito breeding facilities. Hannah is growing up.Our newest student, Thunduh.Pawkuhmooeydee weaving a shirt. I think that these are orchids, but I am not sure. The flower and vegetable garden....OK, so the plants are still small....but they will grow! Maybe this will give you some new ideas for Christmas...greenbeans and poinsettias. Hannah, crying in the garden.Thah Me, rejoicing in a job well done!
Awesome. Thanks for the photos!
You are correct. Those are orchids. Beautiful!
I love your garden and the new flowers.
Hannah is getting so big and so cute.