Personal Notes

Most evenings, the boys try and try to remember the words of the song,” The Circuit Riding Preacher”. We heard that song several years ago, and none of us can remember all the words. If you know the song, would you clue us in? It would end our endless, fruitless tries at remembering.

Another thing that happens EVERY DAY, we must take the time to personally thank Pastor Denny for. You see, he used to sing this little song when he was hungry about hungry birds in the wilderness waiting to be fed. He made the mistake of singing it in the presence of my boys, who did not forget the words to that song. But, it has expanded in its uses over here. Now those birds in the wilderness are waiting for worship, for Thunduh, for Hannah, or whoever happens to be missing. It is also used for meal times, but most of us are on time for that! Denny would be so proud if he could just be here to listen to 14 people singing it at the top of their lungs, some in rather questionable English no doubt, but the spirit and enthusiasm are the same.

I also want to thank my parents for teaching me good English when I was little. If I had to learn English at my age, I would be in a world of trouble. Do you realize just how complicated the English language is? It is simply horrible. In order to try to understand it better, I am currently taking an English teachers course. It has lots of grammar in it that I am supposed to learn so well that I can teach it to others. Talk about a nightmare! But, I am learning a lot, and when I come back to America, you better speak correct English around me, or I might just correct your usage! (Don’t worry, I don’t plan to get too proper, I like my slightly irregular style)

I have three extra people in my home this month which are adding to the excitement of simply living in Asia. Andrew is always a lot of fun to have around, but he decided that he needed to liven things up a bit more by bringing his roommate, Nico, and Tob, one of his students. I met Tob almost two years ago when we were helping at Wat Preah Yesu. I remember her distinctly because she liked to yell at Andrew, and hit him. (In a teasing manner) Somehow, that was a bit hard to forget. Anyway, I have learned that there is more to Tob than yelling and hitting. She is helping me a lot, and Nico, who is her boyfriend, is also a great help and fun to have around. He is from Germany, so when we all get going on the languages that we know, he adds yet another dimension. We can sling around 8 different languages! (Not that anyone can understand us, but at least the person who speaks it can understand.) For worship, we let everyone sing the songs in the language of their choosing, so that can get rather interesting. It is a good thing that God understands all the languages!

It is still raining a lot every day. This has made for some less than ideal conditions here. We have been working in the dirt again every day to fill time until we are able to buy more materials for the outhouse. So, in order to get to the house, you have to gingerly make your way through some slippery, slimy mucky mud. In order to get to the old outhouse, you also have to make your way through a pond with about 3 inches of mud at the bottom. We are doing much better at bathing though. For some reason we take a lot of baths every day! This morning Hannah came in to the classroom, where I was, covered with something other than mud. I examined her carefully, and decided that the only way to identify the substance was to ask her. So, I asked, “Hannah, what is on your dress?” She said “fire…in the kitchen.” It turned out to be ashes all over her! Needless to say, she got yet another bath. We might occasionally  have the audacity to wish for hot season again so as to get rid of the mud!

We still don’t know what the future holds, (regarding visas) but we are forging ahead…and having a lot of fun at the same time. We don’t know what the future holds, but we know Who holds the future.

One Comment On “Personal Notes”

  1. So I’m not sure if this is the song you were talking about but here are the words for one of the Circuit Riding Preacher songs….

    1) The circuit-riding preacher used to ride across the land,
    With a rifle on his saddle and a Bible in his hand;
    He told the prairie people all about the promised land,
    As he went riding, singing down the trail:

    Leaning, leaning, safe and secure from all alarms!
    Leaning, leaning, leaning on the everlasting arms.

    2) The circuit-riding preacher traveled through the mire and mud,
    Told about the fiery furnace and of Noah and the flood;
    He preached the way to heaven was by water and the blood,
    As he went riding, singing down the trail:

    There is pow’r, pow’r, wonder-working pow’r
    In the blood of the Lamb,
    There is pow’r, pow’r, wonder-working pow’r
    In the precious blood of the Lamb.

    3) The circuit-riding preacher slept in flee-infested barns,
    Even then he felt the comfort of the everlasting arms;
    That gave him strength to travel on to churches, homes and farms
    As he went riding, singing down the trail:

    Love lifted me! Love lifted me!
    When nothing else could help, Love lifted me!
    Love lifted me! Love lifted me!
    When nothing else could help, Love lifted me!

    4) The circuit-riding preacher preached from off the stones of graves
    In the open, in the smoky rooms, in bat-infested caves.
    And though the places changed, the word was always, “Jesus Saves”
    When he went riding, singing down the trail:

    We have heard the joyful sound: Jesus saves! Jesus saves!
    Spread the tidings all around: Jesus saves! Jesus saves!
    Bear the news in every land; Climb the steeps and cross the waves.
    Onward! ‘tis our Lord’s command. Jesus saves! Jesus saves!

    5) There’s a meeting up in heaven with the circuit-riders there,
    All rejoicing in their missions they fulfilled most everywhere,
    And they’re looking out for all the living circuit-riders here
    As they go riding, singing down the trail:

    Glory, glory hallelujah! Glory, glory hallelujah!
    Glory, glory hallelujah! As they go riding on!

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