Welcome to our blog. We are leaving for S.E. Asia on November 16th. Right now, we are in the process of packing, getting our house ready to leave all winter, finding babysitters for my plants, and setting up my blog. There is a lot to think of when leaving home for an extended period of time! We are all really excited about it. But, in case you need something to pray about, both of the boys came down with colds this morning, and just now I am beginning to feel a persistent irritation in my own throat! I am SURE that I am not getting sick, it is probably just the power of suggestion. Guess I will have to add taking GSE, and anything else I can think of , to my list of things to do.
Hello Lisa and Leroy,
We are so happy to hear that you will be going! I’m sure God will bless you all very much. I’m sure your sons will love it also. We will be keeping you in our prayers and will looking forward to getting updates on this website.
God bless,
Kelly and Ella
PS If you don’t come back in time for family camp we will miss you very much.
Hi Kelly and Ella,
We will be in Cambodia for Andrew’s birthday next Sabbath. He is pretty excited about that. Jason doesn’t even know we are coming yet! He does not have cell service where he lives. We hope to see Ben while we are there also, but I am not sure about that.
Thank you so much for your prayers.
Hi Lisa and Leroy, Travis,and Tremaynne – You’re on your way! How exciting! I hope the plane isn’t too crowded and isn’t too cold and you can rest and relax a little bit on the way today! Don’t forget to take lots of pictures! I would have enjoyed seeing a picture of you taking the grain grinder apart and dividing it up into carry-on sacks!
Love you!