I believe that there must be a lot of people praying out there! For the last couple of days the rumors have been flying around here, and I have been kept busy trying to sort them all out. But, as far as I can tell, this is the story.
Last Tuesday the Gloomytah school kids were sent back to Burma. Some of the kids escaped and came back to Thailand on their own, and hid in the jungle near the school. The others were taken to a monastery on the Burma side, and left with no food all week. The news got out about what happened to the kids, and someone wrote an article for the newspaper, and someone in the States contacted someone important, and next thing I heard was that the guy responsible for sending the kids back to Burma had lost his job, and that the Thai government was very embarrassed about the situation. We have been told that our schools are safe and we do not have to worry. A huge Thank-You to all those involved!
This is great news for LKY school, since we were told that the guy responsible for the mess at Gloomytah wanted to get rid of our school next, and the soldiers across the road were trying to keep us from building because of it. Praise the Lord that their plan did not succeed. The boys dorm is being built right now, and we have been told that ADRA will be buying the supplies for the rest of the buildings.

Last week, we also received a donation of a full set of math books and English books from a Christian fellowship group at Stanford University. These books were greatly needed by the schools in Karen State. They also sent patches for the school uniforms for LKY school. The patches were designed by the kids at Stanford University, and are very nice. We plan to make Karen style uniforms to sew them onto. I should have told you about the group from Stanford a long time ago. In December, they sent bookmarks and Christmas cards for all the kids here at LKY, and also some very much needed medical supplies and money to buy more! What a great group of young people! It is people like that who make it possible for us to do our work here.
If anyone else gets inspired to do the same thing, the things to send, that we cannot get here, are triple antibiotic ointment, non-stick pads for wounds, and good digital thermometers! (those of us born and raised in the USA cannot get the Celsius kind to make any sense to us) This stuff may sound simple, but just having a dressing that does not stick to a badly infected wound brings a huge smile to the faces of our children.