Gloomytaw School

Yesterday Jason took us up to the next big village to visit his old school. We got there just in time to go to church with them. The first thing they did was ask Roy to preach! ( it is a good thing that he has learned to go prepared) They led us both to the front of the church and made us sit on the platform. I was a bit embarrassed about that since I have a really hard time sitting still for a long time on those tile floors. The church was packed with mostly school kids. They were so cute and sang so enthusiastically! Then, they invited us over to the school for lunch. They hurried to the kitchen, made lunch and then served us on the floor of the living area. They did not eat, just watched us eat, and kept bringing more until Jason just set his dish down and walked to the corner and sat down. The rest of us took the clue, and went and sat down too. They brought us pillows and mats, and then left. I mean they really disappeared! There was one girl in the kitchen cooking food for them, but everyone else just vanished. Well, almost everyone, several little girls, about one year old were in the kitchen also. One little girl went potty on the floor in there, she then took off her wet pants and continued playing. The cook did not seem to even notice.  So, we sat in the corner and talked with each other all afternoon. I wanted to leave, but Jason explained that this was normal, and that they would come and get us for the afternoon program.  Sure enough, they did come back and get us in time for the program. It took me a while to locate my runaway shoes, ( little girls again) and then I headed down this steep hillside on my way to the building where the program was being held. Just then, a young man came and took my arm and helped me down the hill, and led me to the seat of honor in the dorm. All the kids sat on the other side of the room facing us. Then we had a really nice program where they would either recite bible verses, give a testimony, or sing a song. It was very touching, and the kids are so cute! When it was finished, the kids lined up and shook our hands and told us thank you for coming. Then, a young girl took my jacket in one hand, and carefully helped me back up the hill to the motor bike. I didn’t know whether I should feel special or old! The school there was also driven out of Burma in June, and they have had to make due with a very steep hillside to build their school on. There is no place to plant gardens or anything. I checked, and they did have some food, and they seemed to have enough blankets, so they are not doing too bad. As far as location goes, our school has been very blessed compared to them, since it is in a beautiful spot with plenty of room for gardens. I am thinking about sending them some medicine and stuff like that. I will have Jason check to see if they have any other real needs.