Wow, having a little baby in the house is a lot different.(Most of the difference comes in how many hours of sleep I get now…but at least she and I have lots of time to bond while the rest of the family sleeps) Â Hannah suddenly looks HUGE! She is also starting to act different too. She does not want to be the baby anymore, but is right now out “working” with Daddy. She is taking her responsibility quite seriously. She loves Destiny a lot, and has already learned to be very gentle with her.
Destiny on the other hand has spent the time since she came sleeping.(During the day that is…) Â She wakes up long enough to eat, look around a minute or two, then drifts back into dreamland…that is, until today! She suddenly woke up and has stayed awake for 3 hours now! I hardly know how to handle it!
After several days of wiggling out of her towel, I opened up a large duffel bag of clothes that were too small for Hannah, and low and behold, there were some newborn baby clothes in there that Maria had added to my collection! The only utterly disappointing thing to me about it was that all of those clothes are for boys. So, little Destiny is finely arrayed like a boy, and sometimes I find myself thinking that she is a boy. I am trying not to feel too depressed about it since at least she has something to put on now. It was far too cold for no clothes, and the towels just would not stay put! But I am also praising the Lord that Maria decided to leave those clothes with me. It is clear to me that He knew all about Destiny long before I got her.
Before I post any pictures, I have gotten a lot of questions as to how many kids I have “adopted” so far. So, here is the list, with a brief explanation. Thunduh, age 17 is our oldest daughter. I did not make a big announcement about her since I knew that she could choose to leave if she wanted to. But, she recently told me that she wants me to adopt her for sure. Chowin, who would rather be called Pumpkin, is 12 years old. She is Thunduh’s little sister, and also gradually decided to become a part of the family. They have no home, and have lived on their own for many years. Meme is the next in descending order, and you should know all about her. We are once again questioning her age, but we think that she is 9 years old. (either nine or ten) Memewah is next, and she is 8. She is the one that Jason saved from the brink of death, and then brought to us. Next is Hannah, age 2 1/2, and now Destiny age 12 days. Her official birth date is September 7, 2011. So, that makes  6 girls to add to my four boys…10 children in all. I hope that clears up all the confusion. Although it takes on the appearance from afar as an orphanage, it is not! We run our home the same with 10 kids are we did with 4. Each person is a special addition and blessing from God. In addition to the six girls, we have two students who have homes and families of their own, although they live with us full time. (Don’t you think that God has a sense of justice in giving me six girls????)
Today I brought Destiny to the internet with me, and it poured down rain worse than I have ever seen before. Fortunately for Destiny, I brought a big blanket to block the wind with. It worked for a rain block as well. So she is dry and warm as toast, while I am dripping water all over the clean internet place! Sometimes the motor bike doesn’t seem like such a great idea….until we head to the gas station. But, if this little one is going to live in Asia, she might as well get used to the drenching. (Mom is now dripping on her!)
OK, now for a picture. Sorry…once again I forgot the camera and this is the only picture that I have with me!

I laughed. Hadn’t thought about the boy clothes, but I’m so glad they fit her.:) Seems funny that Jabe was wearing those just a few months ago!