Today marks the two year anniversary of our arrival here in Thailand. What a lot has happened in those two years! Sometimes it seems like an eternity, and sometimes it feels like the blink of an eye. I certainly am looking forward to what this year will bring!
This week finds me incredibly busy. I get the privilege of taking care of one year old Jabez while Maria makes a quick trip to America to resolve visa issues. But, there are moments when I am not sure what kind of privilege it is! Just getting myself organized will be a major benefit, since that is the only way to survive this many children. Right now, Jabez is sleeping here beside me, while Roy is walking Destiny, and Hannah is getting into things. Ahmesow, Meme and Memewah are working in their gardens and Thunduh and Pawkuhmooeydee are in school. It is almost blissfully quiet, and I wonder why in the world I worry about anything! But, it doesn’t take long to become another story when they are all crying at once, and the older children have not yet learned good enough manners to wait to have their needs met under those conditions. Ahhh, life can be so interesting.
But, I am sure that you are wondering about the title to my post. Yes, it is true; I have received a request for me to accept another daughter. I really enjoy having girls, so I am certainly not going to refuse! This daughter is a bit different though. She is 21 years old, and she does not plan to live with us. She is in the 11th grade in school and an excellent student. She is already a sincere Christian, and speaks fluent English. She is Khmer, and lives in Cambodia. In fact, I have been expecting a daughter like this ever since I had my first son! So, let me be the first to introduce Khen, Andrew’s fiancé.
I would like to tell you the date for the wedding, but in Cambodia, you kind of have to buy your wife, or something like that, so he is saving his money as fast as he can in order to pay for this big event. The proposed date would be sometime in January or February, but like I said, it depends on the money. If you want to help him financially, I am sure that he would be thrilled! And, for all those with inquiring minds…no, this is not a sudden idea. Andrew has been investigating this girl for a long time. He has followed godly courtship ideals to the letter. He has spent a lot of time with her family, and they are planning a trip here in December so that she can get to know us better also. We are really proud of our son!