When I have lots of time to write, I don’t have a whole lot to say. Now, I have a lot to say but not a whole lot of time! So much has happened here in the past few days that my mind is bewildered by all the possibilities of what to tell you about today.
At long last, Jason was able to get Memewah to us. If you have been reading my blog all along, then you already know about her. Jason saved her life a few months back, then he “adopted†her. Her parents died when she was young, and so she was an orphan. Since it wouldn’t be real appropriate for a single young man to raise a little girl all by himself, he brought her to us so that we can help him. Memewah is 8 years old, and has a lot of health problems. But, she loves us with all her little heart and we are so happy to be able to help her.

Over the weekend I ended up with 24 people in my house! In case you are wondering, that is a LOT of people for a small bamboo house. On Friday, Jon and Natalie and their two kids came for a much needed visit and planning session. They also did interviews with us for Mission TV on Sunday. Then the Adams family came to bring Memewah to us, along with their daughter Maria, and her little adopted baby Jabez. Maria and Jabez have joined the family for a while to learn Karen better. That brings us up to 14 residents for now, which is a lot of fun…in case you were wondering. I always did thrive on having lots of people around….as long as it is peaceful and happy!

This morning Pawkuhmooeydee had worship for us. She was really scared to share since it was the first worship talk she has ever given. She talked about the bible, read some verses, and then told a story that I thought was worth sharing with you. A couple of years ago, she became friends with their neighbors, who happened to be Christians. She noticed that their son was really obedient to his parents, and that he was a really good student in school. She was drawn to them, and so she visited in their home a lot. This boy had a table next to a bench in his house where he liked to study. He had many books that he studied on the table, and he had a bible, which he liked to read a lot. Inside the bible were many pictures of his family and friends, just stuck in between the pages. Pawkuhmooeydee wondered why he would want to read that bible all the time. One night, this boy was getting ready for his exams the next day, so he studied late into the night. He grew so tired that he fell alseep, leaving the candle burning on the table. The candle caught the books on fire, and before they could stop it, the table, bench, and books had all burned up. The only thing left was the bible. The pictures inside the bible had burned up with everything else, but the bible itself was untouched. This miracle sparked her interest in the bible, and she determined to find out what was so special about the bible. God is still in the business of doing miracles. During the past couple of weeks, two of Pawkuhmooeydee’s teachers have come to visit us, each one wanting to stay for worship. They are amazed that we have worship with the kids twice every day. One of the teachers is a Buddhist, and the other is a Catholic, but they both seemed to be really curious as to what makes Pawkuhmooeydee so different from the other kids. She wants to be a missionary when she grows up, but I think that she has already started…even though she has not even been baptised yet.

Marianne and Jennison left us on Monday, and are now safely settled into their new little hut. We are really going to miss them.

There is a whole lot more that I could tell you about, but it will have to wait for now. We are certainly still having our trials, but we are also enjoying all the blessing that God is sending our way.