Things are just beginning to settle down a little bit. I hope that I don’t have many weeks like the last one, or I might just have to lay down and cry with the babies! Last night we had a big meeting with the parents of my two little girls, and the caretaker and his wife, plus all the curious neighbors who all had plenty to say also. They wanted to make sure that before Ben leaves, we had a complete understanding of just about everything. They have now been apprised of our plans for the school, the training center, and a timetable of how things are going to happen. And, I learned that the parents of these two little ones are absolutely determined that I am going to raise their little girls, and just to make sure that they have done the best for their family, they are also sending their 18 year old daughter to live with me also. They tell me that there is just no future for their children if they keep them. They are in a bad situation. The father ran away from the army to get baptized, so he cannot go back to Burma without the risk of getting shot as a deserter. He is also in danger from the KNU, since he was an enemy soldier. So, he must stay in Thailand where he is living as an illegal immigrant, and therefore he cannot legally work to make a living for his family. Sometimes it is hard for us to imagine what these people go through to become Christians. His wife, who I have found to be a very caring and devoted mother, is not yet a Christian, but she is studying the bible with the caretaker and his wife. She is very amazing to me since she loves her children so much, but she is so determined to give them to me so that they can have a better life. That takes a lot of love. The little ones are not making things easy for her either! The three year old, that I have not named yet, has not been as open to living with me as her little sister is. The parents bring her to me, and she promptly runs away. We are taking things slow with her and I just keep trying to make friends with her. I WISH that I had some children’s books or toys or something to draw her, but I have nothing! Actually, I have tried many times to talk the parents into just keeping their children, since I am sure that being with the parents is the best thing for children, but I get nowhere with that idea. In their minds, these children are already mine, and they are not taking them from me! They love the fact that I bought them some clothing, and that they are eating so well. In fact, at church I was accused of making Hannah fat! ( I made sure she drank water and not milk the rest of the day!)

The addition to my house is coming along well also. Today they are making walls and putting them up. When they are finished, my students will start to come. They came one day last week just to help with the building project, and are just waiting now for a phone call telling them that it is finished. From the sounds of it, I am going to have to weed out some of those who want to come, since the rooms will be small, and I really have no idea how I am going to even feed them all! I did tell the parents that they are going to have to do something to help with the expenses. Even if they just bring me vegetables from the jungle, it would help with the food situation. They all seem very happy to help in any way that they can.
It is amazing to me how interested the neighborhood is in our plans here. Several of the fathers came to the meeting last night, and seemed really interested in everything that is happening here. I don’t know what they were saying exactly, but they were all ears when we were talking about our plans for the school. They have stated that when it starts, they want their children to attend. ( they are already attending our evening classes)
We also discussed electricity. That is one thing that we all agree is pretty essential for success! We have been teaching in the evenings, first bible, and then English, but we have had to do it by candlelight. Great atmosphere maybe, but it sure is hard to see the blackboard under those conditions! Hannah’s father told us that it will cost about $500 to bring in the electric, and then around $6 per month. I am pretty excited about that since I think that we can actually do it! I may not have the money right now, but I think that I will soon, and then we can maybe even purchase a real luxury…. fans! (did I mention that it is really hot here???)
In other news…. the rainy season has officially begun in this part of Thailand! We are really happy about that since while it is raining, it is a bit cooler! Cooler always makes us happy, since we are normally just dripping from the heat. It is like sitting in a sauna all the time! ( I never did like those things) But, the good news is that I have not died yet, and Jason says that it just gets better from here on out. The worst part of the hot season is supposed to be over. ( don’t take me wrong…it is still HOT)
On a sadder note, Ben left yesterday. He will be heading back to his post of duty soon, so he had to get back to civilization in order to get his stories translated and onto his web site. We will all miss him a lot. It is easy to take his talents for granted when he is with us, but now that he is gone, I am back to wondering what people are trying to tell me again. The good news is that now they understand what they need to do to help me learn. Ben helped get everyone on the right track with his gift of tongues.
Please continue to keep us in your prayers. We have a lot going on here, and most of the time I feel totally inadequate for the task. But God is good, and he has never let us down.