It began as a long anticipated, fun filled field trip. Beautiful weather made the hour and a half drive very pleasant. Arriving at the picturesque, park-like setting, carved out of the jungle just below a waterfall, we began to get settled. We were able to dispose of our belongings in the sleeping quarters, then race to roll call. About 160 young people lined up for whatever fun filled activities the teachers had planned for them. This is when the “great controversy” began for my unsuspecting “daughter”.
The leader divided the children into 6 groups with the instruction that they must choose a mindless chant. They were to practice yelling the chant while dancing to the music. If the dancing and and chanting was loud enough the teacher would send them on. The groups that were not up to “par” were sneered at, and derided. They were then told to jump in the muddy creek and then roll 3 times in the dirt. After that a teacher smeared paint on their faces. Everything that the teachers did was meant to humiliate the students.
Everything in me wanted to interfere and save my “daughter” from the abuse that they were heaping on her. I could not, because I am training the children to make good choices on their own. The strain and disappointment showed on her face, but she endured, because she thought that she had to.
I hovered near hoping that she would take a stand and say “no, I cannot do this because I am a Christian”. If she had even had the courage for a faint whisper for help, I would have been by her side in an instant, telling her teachers that “in order to get to her, you will have to go through me first”.
I asked her later what happens if a student does not want to participate. She told me that the teachers heap on more and more insults and abuse until the child gives in. Only a parent or guardian would be able to step in and put a stop to the abuse.
It was not until we requested and got permission to hold evening and morning worships that Pawkuhmooeydee was able to tell me how she felt, and that she did not want to be there. We then made haste to head on home!
Friends, the great controversy is going on each day in your life also. As we are engaged in the conflict for our souls, our Heavenly Father is by our side, waiting anxiously for a whisper for help from us. He has the power and authority to rescue us from the power of the tormentor. When we are in the heat of the battle, those quiet times that we take to worship God are even more important. God is ready and willing to help us, if we will but ask.