Month: May 2012

Useful Facts

  I have been amazed recently as I stop to contemplate just how much I have learned in the last few years! I thought that I was a pretty well educated person, but I find that I was not at all.  So, just so that you can feel educated also, I will share a smidgen…read more.

Since I Wrote Last…

I can’t believe that it has already been 9 days since I wrote last.  Although, I should not be surprised since those 9 days were a bit crazy. School is in full swing now, and the teachers are teaching, but it is still a full time job to keep things going. The enrollment has been…read more.

Thailand Trivia

Did you know that the first few days of rainy season bring about a strange phenomenon? At dusk, millions of winged insects come out of nowhere and invade any place that has light… like the living room, bedrooms, or anyplace any unsuspecting person has a light source. After a while, the bugs loose their wings,…read more.

School Starts

“I said, EXODUS 20: 8-11!” screamed Roy at the kids. His two interpreters looked at him blankly. “EDODUS 20: 8-11” he roared once again. This time both interpreters started shouting at the children tightly packed around them. Each head bent forward to try to catch their words. What in the world was going on? A…read more.

Never Give Up

  Last night, I sat on the edge of the outside kitchen porch and looked up at the stars. The village below me was humming with quiet activity in the darkness, and I could hear the happy hum of conversation in the house. I felt so small…so insignificant. Last week was a long nightmare of…read more.